Find out whether it’s cost effective to create the home of your dreams on the property you’re already holding.

Love your neighbourhood but not in love with your home? You have more options than you might imagine. For one, there’s a lot that can be done through renovations and additions that can add space and character to a home that is otherwise lacking in both. This is why you should consider knock down rebuild cost.

Then there’s the option of starting from square one with a knock down rebuild.

While this might sound daunting, it can actually be the perfect option for homeowners who own prime real estate with a subprime home on it. You can keep your commute and still update your abode into one that meets your every need.

To do this, a new home builder will work with you to design a home that does meet all of your needs. They’ll then carry out all of the work as far as demolition is concerned with your current home, followed by a rebuild of the structure you want. And there you have it: knock down, rebuild!

Of course, no home construction comes without a price tag, and many homeowners wonder whether it’s worthwhile to knock down and rebuild when they could simply play the real estate market and look for a home that’s ready to go. Knock down rebuild has quite a few more pros than cons, however, and knock down rebuild cost is one of them.

knock down rebuild cost

Why knock down rebuild in the first place?

We’ve already touched on the main reason that people choose this option over trying to choose from the already available homes on the market. The most common is that you already own a property and are in love with the location, but not so much with the house that it comes with. By knocking down what’s already there and rebuilding a home that works better for you, you can leverage the property you own more effectively and add improved value to your holdings.

What’s more, knocking down a structure and starting from scratch is surprisingly often more cost effective than trying to renovate an existing home. Renovation costs can skyrocket due to unforeseen issues, extra finishes, and structural challenges that force builders to work literally within an existing framework. By knocking down and rebuilding a home, you can start fresh with your ideas and stick to a more straightforward budget plan with your contractor.

Should you rebuild or renovate? Knockdown and Rebuild vs. Renovations: Which is Cheaper?

What factors go into knock down rebuild cost?

Knock down rebuilds are not for the faint of heart. They require quite a great deal of planning and the resolve to work through a number of steps in an ultimately rewarding process. These steps all play a part in the knock down rebuild cost of the project, which will be set by your contractor from the beginning. Here are just some of the factors that they’ll consider when pricing out your knock down rebuild.


It all starts with deciding what you want your dream home to be like. You’ll work with a designer and architect to nail down the style, layout, and inclusions for your home during the home design phase. This can rack up the knock down rebuild costs depending on how long it takes to come to a decision as well as how many iterations of the plans you request from your architect. In some cases, you can work from an existing design and modify it to meet your exact needs. This can help save on time and money.

Learn more: How Much Does Home Design Cost in Canberra


This is where things get messy. Your contractor will take over your property and tear down the existing structure. Waste management comes into play here as materials will have to be disposed of properly, potentially adding to the knock down rebuild costs of the project as well. The crews and equipment needed to get the property back to basics will also be factored into the total price.


You already own your property, but the ground needs to be prepared to receive your new home. This can include anything from backfilling where the previous structure was located to adjusting the slope of the land to accommodate everything from the structure to proper water drainage. This will have to be addressed before the actual building process can start.


Canberra has its own requirements for permitting and approvals when it comes to new home builds. Your builder should be well-versed in these and prepared to manage their application and approval for you, and they should also build in the knock down rebuild costs for these permissions when pricing out your home.


The size of the home you are building will have a cascading impact on the materials, fixtures, and labour needed to complete the project (see below). However, you’ll want to be sure to choose the home size and layout that meets your needs. Some single storey homes and two storey homes are designed with cost effectiveness in mind, so you might not need to break the bank to get the house you dreamed of. Just keep in mind that, typically, the larger the home, the higher the costs to build and finish it.


Now it’s time to rebuild your home. And that requires quite a lot of materials, from timber for structural framing, to roofing, to sheetrock and electrical. The list goes on, and your contractor will have this broken out for you depending on the size and needs of your home.


Customising your home is one of the most fun parts of the experience, but also the part where most homeowners see their budgets soar. The best contractors will work with you during the planning phase to determine the fixtures you like and help factor them into the budget. This includes everything from appliances to benchtop materials and bathroom fixtures. Keep in mind that making changes to these later in the process can drive the total knock down rebuild cost.


Contractors are often going to subcontract much of the work that is done to specialists based on the needs of the home. This is most often seen with trades such as electrical, plumbing, and gas fitting. Those tradies are going to charge their own rates not just for materials but also their time working on your build.

How much does knock down rebuild cost in Canberra?

As you might imagine, there’s no single cost for a knock down rebuild. It’s going to vary depending on all of the factors we described above, and then some. However, there are some average knock down rebuild costs that you can keep in mind, with prices ranging from $350,000 to $750,000 depending on how all of the factors add up.

The good news is that since you are designing your own home, you can also have a say in the budget. If you have a particular price point that you simply cannot or will not go over, you should share that with your build team. They’ll be able to incorporate this from the start and guide you through what you can, and can’t, achieve with your knock down rebuild as a result.

By comparison, the average Australian house costs $320,000. While this figure lurks toward the bottom of the range for a knock down rebuild, those homes already on the market may not be designed to meet your exact needs. And when you consider that the average renovation to a purchased home falls around $250,000, you might be better off starting from scratch with a knock down rebuild anyway.

Turn to the experts in knock down rebuild for Canberra and beyond

Knocking down an existing structure and replacing it with a completely different one is no small task. But if you already have a parcel of land in mind, or in your possession, it can be the best way to create the home of your dreams. All you need is an expert team that’s well equipped for the task at hand.

That team is Canberra Home Builders. We’re the leaders in knock down rebuilds for Canberra and the surrounds. We make the knock down rebuild cost more affordable than relocating or playing the real estate market, and we work within client budgets with an eye to quality.

We also stand behind our work with a 6-year structural guarantee and 65-day defect period for all new builds. We want our customers to be completely satisfied with their new home and the entire process, from design to demolition to moving in day.

Every project starts with a free consultation, so you can get to know our team, share your vision, and receive a no-obligation quote for your dream home. Just call us on 02 6171 6104 today.

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