Want to reduce your energy bill? Even small changes can help you have a more energy efficient home.

When you’re building a home, you have various considerations. Will there be enough space for everyone and their hobbies? Will your property get proper sunlight? What about costs vs. quality?

Then there’s also the matter of environmental impact. Will your design be part of the solution and make a positive difference? To help you ensure that you’re doing your bit for the environment, here are five practical tips to help you build a good, energy efficient home.

Pay attention to orientation

Long before you lay the first brick, you can already start to make your home more energy efficient. While it might sound insignificant, the orientation of your home can have a huge impact. And, as you can’t change it afterwards, you have only one shot at getting it right. Ideally, you want to position your home in such a way that it uses the available shade and sun to the maximum 365 days of the year.

To do this, it’s best to place the areas where you’ll be spending most time, like the living room, to the north where it will enjoy plenty of natural light and sunshine. You’ll find that in the long run, you’ll end up using your heaters much less when you follow this simple strategy, helping you to reduce your energy consumption.

Invest in insulation

Another way that you can reduce your energy bills is by ensuring that you insulate your property properly. With the right insulation, your home will keep more heat during the colder months and vice versa during the summer. In addition to insulating your ceilings, it’s also a good idea to insulate your walls and double check that openings like windows and doors seal correctly. Speaking of windows, while big windows are attractive features that can help to modernize the exterior, glass isn’t a very good insulator. To combat this, it’s recommended that you opt for double-glazed or even triple-glazed options.

Choose LED lighting

LED lighting is the most energy efficient home choice. It helps to reduce how much energy your household uses, lasts very long, and also offers dimming capabilities. Then, to make the most of your LED lighting, pay attention to where and how you position your lights. Where possible, use natural light to reduce energy consumption even further.

Go solar

Renewable energy sources are the way of the future. Whether you simply want to use it to power your bigger energy expenses, like your heating system, or start small and use it for your lighting, there are various areas where you can use solar power.

In fact, why stop there? If your budget allows it, why not use it to cover all your energy requirements? It’s possible to run an entire house solely on solar power. Sure, going off the grid completely will require time and money, but you’ll reap many rewards in the long run. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be able to enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’ve made a huge positive contribution to the environment.

energy efficient home

Embrace smart home technology

If you’re open to the idea of using solar power, you’ll most likely also like what smart home technology has to offer. There are various gadgets that you can install that will help you to control lights, thermostats, and appliances conveniently via your smartphone, helping you to keep a finger on your energy use.

Remember when you’re halfway to work that you forgot to switch off the lights this morning when you left for work? No problem: you simply open the app on your phone and switch it off remotely.

What’s more, many of these smart home tech systems can also notify you when a bigger problem arises giving you the chance to act swiftly and minimize damage.

Build energy efficient home with Canberra Home Builders

Whether you already have a clear picture in your mind of what your dream home must look like or you’re open to the idea of tweaking a pre-designed home, it’s key that you keep in mind how the different elements will work together to reduce energy consumption. Sustainability has become more than just a buzzword. It’s become an integral part in how we approach design, and with very good reason. Even a seemingly small detail like where to place a window can have a huge impact down the line.

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You might feel that designing a home with energy efficiency a top priority makes the whole process more challenging and time consuming, but it’s much easier to get it right the first time than what it is to try and fix it later. Plus, when you receive your first electric bill, you’ll be only too grateful that you paid attention to the small details.

The team at Canberra Home Builders has been designing homes for over 20 years. We can work with you to refine your house plan so that it becomes a more energy efficient home, or you can use one of our 15 preset designs and make it your own. All our plans include an energy-efficient design. Plus, not only are they practical but also budget-friendly and modern. Then, for extra reassurance, we also include a six-year structural warranty on all of our work.

If you want to find out more about how you can make your design on paper or current home more energy efficient, complete the online inquiry form or call us on 02 6171 6104 today. We look forward to building a more sustainable future together, one brick at a time.